Method 1: Increase the proportion of the face in the original image.

As shown in the example image below, the neck and the areas with white space are not necessarily needed. If possible, try to capture as much of the face in the photo.

Resource from here.

This approach will help ensure that the face occupies a significant portion of the original image, leading to better results when creating headshot images.

Method 2: High resolution photo

Theoretically, a higher-resolution original image can result in a clearer outcome, such as an 4K image or higher.

Additional Tips:

  1. The background of the photo doesn’t matter, but it’s crucial to have as even lighting as possible without any shadows.
  2. Avoid having any accessories or glasses on the face. Accessories should be added later using the “iAcc” (Accessory) with Character Creator. Same as hair, the hair should be edited after finishing the Headshot.
  3. Headshot does not automatically add details or hair to the result. Try to enhance details using SkinGen, or Smart Hair.